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Chapter Eight - Me & My Future

Chapter Eight - Me & My Future

My future education goals are to first complete my finance course in college.  After I finished college I will continue my education career at a university preferably at the Toronto university so that I can get a job while I am in university.  I plan to continue studying finance and economics at the university so that i will be more valuable to employers.  My career goals are to start out as an Investment Banking Analyst so that I will have my foot already in the door to finance.  From their I would either stay with investment banking or I would go into the stock market.  To reach my future career I would have to get great marks in college and university and also make a lot of friends while I am there so that they could recommend me to their employer.  To prepare for this I have started to expand my circle of friends and also tried to be a nicer person.  I still have to get a job at a bank so I would have experience in the field.

In the future I plan to get married so that I won't be alone everytime I leave the office.  Also if you're married you will have someone to do activities with and you always have someone to talk to.  The things that I would look for in a wife is someone who is emotionally strong so that they can handle the difficulties in life.  I also look for intelligence because I like to have deep conversations where you have to be intelligent to keep up.  The final trait that I would look for is someone who is friendly.  If you marry a friendly person then you won't get into a lot of fights because they will try and calm you down before having a discussion.   To maintain a healthy relationship you will have to give each other room and know each others limits.  You will need room so that you can think and not be suffocated by the other person.  You need to know each others limits so that neither of you loose control either to your emotions or to booz.  Another thing you will need for a good relationship is that you have to equal each other out so if you are not great with socializing than you should find someone who could improve that for you.

The quote “If we do not fulfill our dreams, we are destined to live a life of longing and frustration.” relates to my future because it is telling me to chase after what I want and dream of because if I dont chase them then I will grow angry with my choices.  In the past I have given up on my dreams but now I have very little to lose in chasing them.  In the end if you accomplish your goals then you will be way happier than if you were to give up on them.  When I look at my future all that I see are my dreams and that is what I am going to focus on untill I reach them.

Chapter Seven - Love & Loss

Chapter Seven - Love & Loss

The person that shows me the best example of love is my mother.  She has cared for me and my sister for close to twenty five years and loved through all of it.  My mother was there for me, everything even when she didn't want to be.  When I was in the hospital she would sleep on the chair next to my bed.  When I was being cut open she was right there next to me holding my hand.  When I was changing bandages on my gruesome sours she was there even though it made her feel ill.  My mother is a very strong person who would never give up on us.  She will also love me no matter what I do with my life.  She never pressured me into making decisions and let me be in charge of my own life.  She's a great role model because no matter what life puts her through she always gets back up and ready to fight.

One circumstance where I have risked loving someone was when my uncle married someone and we brought him right into our family because he was rejected by his own.  We would bring both of them on vacations and we grew to like his partner more and more as we got to know him.  They lived in Toronto so we would go up there to see them every so often.  The marriage was unsuccessful and ended in a divorce it was quite messy so my uncle in law moved to our town because it was cheaper than owning your own house in Toronto.  We slowly stopped talking to my uncle and just became friends with my new one.  In the end I risked loving a new family member only to lose an old one.  The main thing that helped with the lose of that relationship is that my whole family was going through the same thing as me only with the other uncle.  Its alot easier to get over something if you can talk to someone about it.  I would agree with the statement that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.  I agree because that time when you have that love is going to be some of the best times of your life.  You are also guaranteed to love someone either as a friend, family, or as a lover.  It is also inevitable that you will experience love in your live so dont fight it.

I have learned that I don't let my self love people as much as I should.  I also learned that I hold back my emotions to avoid being hurt by the other person.  I also learned that the people you love will typically stick around for a while so choose who you love carefully.  The main thing that I have learned through losing those I love is that it is strangle easy for me to get over it very quickly.  When my grandfather died I got over it almost instantly because I just saw it as there is nothing I can do to change this so i didn't focus on it and continued with my own life.  The thing I love most about myself is the ability to get past losses and just keep going.  The thing I hate most is that I don't try hard enough to find love or even express it to the people that I do love

Chapter Six - Dreams & Disenchantment

Chapter Six - Dreams & Disenchantment

I dont like to call them dreams because that just means that it's all in your head and that you will not accomplish them, I like to call them goals.  One of my largest goals is to become immortal so that I could live to see everything and experience everything I can.  With the end goal of immortality I can accomplish that in a few ways first and the most simple is to be cryogenically frozen when I die so that I could come back to life in the future.  The second way is to do something called Mind Uploading which is when you would upload your mind into a computer so that you could live in a machine.  So with this in mind I have a bunch of smaller goals like becoming rich so that I could then start my own research company so that I can then research mind uploading or cryogenics.  Some of the things I would like to have is the experience of skydiving because you get the rush of being near death and the freedom of flight all at once.  I would also like to learn how to fly a plain so I can have the freedom to go where I wont.  The only goalthat came true is the dream of going to college.

One time I got my hopes up because I got my first 80% in cooking class and I loved being intelligent so I wanted to get another eighty.  When next semester comes by I ended the semester with three marks above eighty percent whereas last year I was getting sixties.  But on the other hand there was this one time that I got my hopes up when a doctor said that I might have been misdiagnosed with colitis which is a digestive disease.  I was so happy when he told me that, that I started to cry.  A week after I left the hospital I started to redevelop my symptoms and I knew then that this disease is never going to leave me for the rest of my life.I feel like in my life I have been let down a lot by my goals but that doesn't stop me from coming up with these big goals and seeking out new ways to accomplish them.

The best way that I can guarantee accomplishing my goals is to become rich because with money you can do almost anything.  With money I can open up a research lap, or pay for flight lessons, or pay for schooling.  I also can't let anyone gain control over my future so I can't go to jail do drugs because addiction runs in my family, I also have to only have positive friends so they don't drag me down and a supportive wife that will be by my side no matter what I decide to do.  I am going to control my destiny by not owing the bank money, and by not letting other people control my future.  The only way to be in control of your destiny is if you have full control.

Chapter Five - Beauty & Grace

Chapter Five - Beauty & Grace

To introduce myself I am an eighteen year old male.  Some of my traits are that I am ambitious, dedicated, and I am also very blunt.  I am interested in video games, movies, and soccer.  I am currently unemployed but I am searching for a job right now.  I am currently in my final grade of high school.  After high school I am going to the local college to study finance.  I plan to focus on my career so that I can accomplish as many of my strange goals as possible.  I was on our schools robotics team where we had to make a robot from scratch to accomplish a goal which was to stack boxes and pick up noodles.  One of my main interests are in robotics but particularly cybernetics which is the integration of robotics into humans.
Beauty plays a key role in how I define myself.  Beauty is important to me because it is how people will see you and changes how they treat you.  My looks define who I am because that is what people will see so it determines who approaches you, who your friends are, and what your role would be in your group of friends.  In my list of importance beauty would be in the top five behind intelligence, humor, outgoing, friendly, and then beauty.  When I was choosing friends at the start of high school I ended up with people who were on my same attractive level but closer to the end of high school I lost a bunch of weight and slowly got better looking friends so looks even though I didn't seek it ended up playing a role in choosing my friends.

In the statement “Grace is beauty and beauty is grace” it is saying that they are connected.  You could be graceful without being beautiful but as with most things beauty gives you a boost.  Grace is all about how you move, you have to move with floe as if you are water.  Where beauty is all about appearance.  So you can have one without the other but they go well together.

Since I have lost a bunch of weight my self image has improved but I am still not happy with my current body shape.  So my self image is a mixture of I look way better than I used to but also with I could look better.  One of my most defining qualities are my intelligence and my grand ideas.  My intelligence gives me the chance to not only have crazy ideas but the opportunity to accomplish them.  One of my favorite traits that I posses is the trait of devotion.  Once I make a decision I will stick with it till the end for better or worst.  This trait can be a good thing because you won't get cold feet or second guess yourself when making decisions.  My next favorite trait is that I am reliable.  This is one of my favorites because it is how I make myself valuable in group work.  My final favorite trait is that I am calm.  This is a great trait because it lets me make decisions based off of facts and not my emotional state at that time.

Chapter Four - Truth & Trust

Chapter Four - Truth & Trust

The worst time I told the ugly truth was when one of my friends where considering to drop out of school.  I told them that if they dropped out now they would be a failure.  I told them that they would work for minimum wage for the rest of their lives and live on the edge of poverty.  I eventually lost that friend because they were willing to give up on their education.  By me telling this person the hard truth it showed them that they will fail if they give up so they stayed in school and are now going to college.  When you tell the truth it makes it way easier on yourself because you don't have to worry about remembering false information and if they don't like your response at least it was your opinion.  Me telling the truth did not lift any burdens all it did was show someone that they can't give up on themselves.  

The one person that I could trust with anything is my friend Taryn, I tell her everything that is going on with me.  When it comes to deciding who you can trust what you do is tell them a fake secret and then just wait.  If people start asking you about that secret then you know that you can't trust that person.  If that person has kept the trial secret than you know that you can trust them with other secrets.  I am a very trustworthy person because I value information and if you break someone's trust then they will stop telling you information.  Its in my best interest to listen and not spread what they told me.  For example my uncle and aunt (the uncle is her brother in law) got into a fight years ago and never settled it, so since my mom is friends with him we have to hide information from my aunt about him.  So I will lie to my family because it is cleaner than starting a huge argument and having to choose sides.  Still to this day my family hides information because we honor our word.

Being trustworthy is important because if you're not trustworthy than people will keep information from you.  And that information could be very helpful like if someone tells you that there are rumors of people getting hired at a bank.  If you keep your mouth shut then there will be less people applying compared to if you told everyone.  When people know that you can be trusted they see you as a good person with morals.  From this chapter I have learnt that you don't have to tell the truth to be trustworthy   Often times if you want to be trustworthy you have to lie but then by lying you are not being trustworthy to the person that you are lying to.  I also discovered that I am more likely to lie to someone then tell the truth because it makes it easier for everyone involved.  For instance if someone asked if you liked their boyfriend you will say yea he's great no matter what your opinion of him is.

Chapter Three - Fate & Prophecy

Chapter Three - Fate & Prophecy
In my opinion life is just a chain of random events and the only thing controlling them are the people making decisions.  So no one had a plan for you to follow till the day you die all you do is wing it and hope for the best.  Your future is completely up to you but you can be persuaded to go a certain way.  For example if you are applying for college and someone recommends a career to you, then that could sway you to go down a different path but in the end it's your choice.  Whenever you make a decision you will have to consider the other option so never go into a decision blindly because you might not be able to go back to the way things were.  You can do anything you want, the only thing holding you back is yourself.  

One of the things that I regret is not taking a law course in high school because when I was applying for college I was split between being a business lawyer or going into stock.  If I would have taken a law class I would have known if I even liked studying law.  I also regret not taking an accounting class because now I am going to have to do college level accounting with no idea of what I am doing.  By me not taking these courses I had to guess which career I would rather do and I decided to go after the Wolf Of Wall Street lifestyle instead of the Suits lifestyle.  This choice could either make or break me.  Either I choice right and I will love what I do and be happy or I chose wrong and will be miserable for my entire career.  The one thing I can say is that my parents did not give me any input so it was all up to me to find a career that I would like.  I went from video game design to being a lawyer to working in stocks.  So its no secret that I had no guidance but in the end I chose what I think I would like.  The only way that you can be in control of your life is if you don't let anyone else control it.

When I was in grade seven I had to go to a london children's hospital for digestive problems.  This was the first time meeting this doctor we had a discussion and he gave me an option, I could either go with the chance of find out what is wrong with me now by putting a camera up my ass while i'm awake or I could come back in a month for a colonoscopy and find out what's wrong for surtin.  I chose to go with the chance of finding out what's wrong right now and we found out that I have colitis so ever since I have taken risks and they usually pay off.  So dont be afraid of the unknown because not knowing is the worst part.

Chapter Two - Temptation & Sacrifice

Chapter Two - Temptation & Sacrifice
My biggest temptation is the internet.  Especially if I am using my computer for homework.  For example right now I have music playing so I could spend easily ten minutes searching for a song.  Another temptation I have is the urge to check youtube every chance I get because I am subscribed to so many people.  I watch them because I want to support them.  The problem is that they all upload so much that you can't watch it all.  So in order to excel in my classes I have to sacrifice entertainment for education, I also have to sacrifice sleep, a social life,  and any other homework I have that day.

Whenever I get tempted what helps me focus is thinking of my future, and how doing well in school will help me more in the end than seeing what Nerd³ is doing in grand theft auto today.  When I give into the temptation of watching a video I know that I will spend all night just watching videos.  Thinking about my future always helps me focus because it puts everything into perspective and lets me see what is in my best interest.  I would rather have long term happiness than a short burst of pleasure.  When you realize that you suffer through nineteen years of schooling just for the chance of success, you will do anything to improve those chances.  I have sacrificed a lot for my education, I have done homework in hospital beds, I have missed parties, I have lost friends from not seeing them for weeks.  

The one thing that I want out of life is success.  I want to be rich and i'm not saying that like all the other dumb male teenagers that are going to make millions raping,  I’m going into finance which is where people make billions.  Also unlike other teens I put a high value on my education so that i can get into a good school and get a high paying job.  Befor I can become rich I have to accomplish some smaller goals first such as, graduate highschool, get through college, and get a starting position in finance.  One thing that I really want is my own corner office because that means that the company values you, I also want a conference room so that I can have meetings in there instead of my office, I also want my own secretary but they have to be sassy so that my job doesn't get boring with them around.  I want a lot of things out of life and I am willing to lose a lot for it.  Instead of having a family I am going to focus on my career, I will be sacrificing a lot of my free time to my work.